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1. Make Personalized Blends for Gifts and for Yourself

Mix up a batch of your favorite blends for sleep or immune boosting or whatever you like. Use these for yourself or give them as gifts.

2. Make Travel-Sized Products

Avoid the hassle at the airport by making up your own homemade travel size versions of moisturizer, facial wash, toner, eye cream, serums, body lotions, natural oils, bath salts, body scrubs and all manner of other beauty products.

3. Homemade Perfume

Keep your own all-natural and customized herbal perfume blend on hand at all times in an old essential oil bottle. Not only will the dark glass protect the aroma, but it’s small enough to fit into your purse, gym bag or even pocket!

4. Keep a Spare Set of Oils

Don’t be caught without your favorite essential oils! Pour a small amount from your new oil bottle into the old one and stash it away. These are great to keep at work, in your gym locker or in the car.

5. Squeeze Every Drop for Diffuser Blends

Get every drop of essential oil out of an old bottle by filling it halfway with distilled water. You can then use this water and oil blend in your diffuser.

6. Epsom Salts Essential Oil Mixture

Add a few empty bottles (caps removed) to large bag of Epsom salts and leave for a week or two. The salts will soak up the scents leaving you with beautiful therapeutic salts for a relaxing soak.

7. Natural Portable Hand Sanitizer

During cold & flu season, make your own hand sanitizer – store this in old essential oil bottles for the perfect size to stash in your purse.

8. Bug Repellants

Leave an empty bottle or two around your potted plants and open windows to keep bugs and other pests at bay. Rosemary helps repel fleas, mosquitoes & flies. Peppermint is great to keep away ants & spiders. Lemongrass is great to keep all bugs away.